
In the fast-paced world of restaurant marketing, SMS campaigns have emerged as a powerful tool to reach customers directly and drive engagement. But as with any marketing effort, the true measure of success lies in the numbers. Understanding and tracking the right metrics is crucial to optimize your SMS offer campaigns and ensure they're delivering real value to your business.

The importance of measuring SMS campaign performance

Without proper measurement, you're essentially flying blind. Tracking the right metrics allows you to understand what's working, what's not, and how to improve your campaigns over time. It helps you justify your marketing spend and make data-driven decisions that can significantly impact your bottom line.

Overview of SMS marketing in the restaurant industry

SMS marketing has gained traction in the restaurant industry due to its high open rates, immediacy, and personal nature. From promoting daily specials to sending exclusive offers to loyal customers, SMS campaigns can be a game-changer for restaurants of all sizes. But to truly harness its power, you need to know which metrics matter most.

Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics give you a clear picture of how well your audience is interacting with your SMS campaigns.

Open rates

While SMS doesn't have traditional "open rates" like email, delivery receipts can serve as a proxy. Industry standards suggest that SMS open rates can be as high as 98%, significantly higher than email.
Key Insight: If your delivery rates are consistently lower than 95%, it might indicate issues with your contact list quality or delivery service.

Click-through rates (CTR)

For SMS campaigns that include links, CTR is a crucial metric. It shows the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link in your message.
Key Insight: Average CTR for SMS campaigns can range from 10-20%. If your CTR is lower, consider revising your call-to-action or offer value.

Response rates

For two-way SMS campaigns, response rate measures how many recipients replied to your message.
Key Insight: Response rates can vary widely based on the type of campaign, but aim for at least a 10% response rate for interactive campaigns.

Conversion Metrics

Conversion metrics help you understand how effectively your SMS campaigns are driving desired actions.

Redemption rates

This measures the percentage of recipients who actually used the offer sent via SMS.
Key Insight: A good redemption rate for restaurant SMS offers typically ranges from 15-30%. Lower rates might indicate that your offers aren't compelling enough or are too restrictive.

Conversion rate

This metric shows the percentage of recipients who completed the desired action, whether it's making a reservation, placing an order, or visiting your restaurant.
Key Insight: Aim for a conversion rate of at least 1-5%. Higher-value or more exclusive offers should have higher conversion rates.

Average order value (AOV)

AOV helps you understand if your SMS campaigns are driving larger purchases.
Key Insight: Compare the AOV of customers who redeem SMS offers with your overall AOV. SMS campaigns should ideally drive a higher AOV to offset any discounts offered.

Customer Behavior Metrics

These metrics give you insights into how SMS campaigns are affecting long-term customer behavior.

Repeat visit rate

This measures how often customers return after redeeming an SMS offer.
Key Insight: Look for an increase in repeat visit rate among customers who engage with your SMS campaigns. This indicates that your offers are building loyalty, not just driving one-time visits.

Customer lifetime value (CLV)

CLV helps you understand the long-term impact of your SMS campaigns on customer value.
Key Insight: Calculate CLV for customers who regularly engage with your SMS campaigns and compare it to non-engaged customers. SMS-engaged customers should have a higher CLV to justify the investment.

Churn rate

This metric shows the rate at which customers stop engaging with your SMS campaigns or your restaurant.
Key Insight: A sudden increase in churn rate could indicate that your SMS campaigns are too frequent or not relevant enough. Aim to keep churn rate below 3% per month.

ROI and Financial Metrics

These metrics help you understand the financial impact of your SMS campaigns.

Return on investment (ROI)

ROI measures the profitability of your SMS campaigns by comparing the gains to the costs.
Key Insight: A good ROI for SMS campaigns in the restaurant industry is typically 25% or higher. Calculate this by subtracting the campaign cost from the revenue generated, then dividing by the campaign cost.

Cost per acquisition (CPA)

CPA tells you how much it costs to acquire a new customer through your SMS campaigns.
Key Insight: Compare your SMS CPA to other marketing channels. SMS should ideally have a lower CPA due to its cost-effectiveness.

Revenue per message

This metric shows how much revenue each sent message generates on average.
Key Insight: Track this over time to ensure your campaigns are maintaining or improving their effectiveness. Any significant drops should be investigated.

List Health Metrics

These metrics help you maintain a high-quality, engaged subscriber list.

List growth rate

This measures how quickly your SMS subscriber list is growing.
Key Insight: Aim for a positive growth rate, ideally 5-10% per month. Stagnant or negative growth rates indicate a need to boost your list-building efforts.

Opt-out rate

This shows the percentage of recipients who unsubscribe from your SMS campaigns.
Key Insight: Keep your opt-out rate below 3% per campaign. Higher rates might indicate that your messages are too frequent or not relevant enough.

Delivery rate

This metric shows what percentage of your messages are successfully delivered to recipients.
Key Insight: Strive for a delivery rate of at least 97%. Lower rates could indicate issues with your contact list or SMS service provider.

Timing and Frequency Metrics

These metrics help you optimize when and how often you send SMS campaigns.

Best time to send

Track engagement metrics across different send times to determine when your audience is most responsive.
Key Insight: For restaurants, lunch and dinner time slots often perform well, but this can vary based on your specific audience and offer types.

Optimal frequency

This helps you understand how often you can send messages without fatiguing your audience.
Key Insight: Most restaurants find success with 2-4 SMS campaigns per month, but always monitor engagement and opt-out rates to fine-tune your frequency.

Time to conversion

This measures how long it takes from when a message is sent to when the offer is redeemed.
Key Insight: For time-sensitive offers, aim for a short time to conversion (within hours). For broader promotions, track conversions over a few days to understand the full impact.

Segmentation Performance

These metrics help you understand how well your segmentation strategies are working.

Segment engagement rates

Compare engagement metrics across different customer segments.
Key Insight: Look for segments that consistently outperform others and try to understand why. This can inform both your segmentation strategy and your overall marketing approach.

Segment conversion rates

Track how different segments convert on your offers.
Key Insight: Use this data to tailor your offers to different segments. For example, if your "weekend brunch" segment has high conversion rates for breakfast promotions, focus on sending them more of these offers.

Segment ROI comparison

Calculate ROI for different segments to understand which are most valuable.
Key Insight: Focus your efforts and potentially higher-value offers on segments that consistently deliver the best ROI.

A/B Testing Metrics

These metrics help you refine your SMS campaign strategies over time.

Offer type performance

Compare metrics for different types of offers (e.g., percentage discounts vs. free items).
Key Insight: Use this data to inform your offer strategy. If, for example, "buy one, get one" offers consistently outperform percentage discounts, adjust your strategy accordingly.

Message content effectiveness

Test different message formats, lengths, and styles to see what resonates best with your audience.
Key Insight: Look for patterns in what types of messages drive the best engagement and conversion rates. This could be message length, tone, or specific phrases that resonate with your audience.

Call-to-action (CTA) comparison

Test different CTAs to see which drive the most action.
Key Insight: Direct, action-oriented CTAs (e.g., "Book now" or "Reply YES to claim") often outperform softer CTAs. But always test to see what works best for your specific audience.

Customer Satisfaction Metrics

These metrics help you understand how your SMS campaigns are affecting overall customer satisfaction.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS measures customer loyalty and satisfaction. While not specific to SMS, you can track NPS for customers who engage with your SMS campaigns versus those who don't.
Key Insight: Customers who engage with your SMS campaigns should have a higher NPS than non-engaged customers. If not, your campaigns may not be delivering enough value.

Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)

Similar to NPS, track CSAT for SMS-engaged customers versus non-engaged customers.
Key Insight: Look for a positive correlation between SMS engagement and CSAT scores. This indicates that your SMS campaigns are enhancing the overall customer experience.

Review ratings correlation

Track if there's a correlation between SMS campaign engagement and positive review ratings.
Key Insight: Customers who engage with your SMS campaigns should be more likely to leave positive reviews. If not, consider how you can use SMS to better enhance the customer experience.

Competitive Benchmarking

Understanding how you stack up against competitors and industry standards is crucial.

Industry standard metrics

Research and track industry benchmarks for key SMS metrics.
Key Insight: Aim to meet or exceed industry standards. If you're falling short in certain areas, prioritize improving those metrics.

Competitor performance estimation

While you won't have access to competitors' exact data, you can estimate their performance through mystery shopping or customer surveys.
Key Insight: Use this information to ensure your SMS strategy is competitive in your market.

Market share indicators

Track if your SMS campaigns are helping to increase your market share.
Key Insight: Look for correlations between successful SMS campaigns and increases in market share or foot traffic compared to competitors.

Advanced Analytics

As you become more sophisticated in your SMS marketing, consider these advanced metrics.

Predictive analytics for future performance

Use historical data to predict future campaign performance and optimize accordingly.
Key Insight: Look for trends in seasonal performance, day of week, or even based on external factors like weather or local events.

Customer segmentation based on response patterns

Use AI and machine learning to create more sophisticated customer segments based on how they interact with your SMS campaigns.
Key Insight: This can help you create hyper-personalized campaigns that drive even better results.

Attribution modeling for multi-channel campaigns

Understand how SMS campaigns interact with your other marketing channels to drive conversions.
Key Insight: This can help you optimize your overall marketing mix and budget allocation.

Tools and Technologies for Measuring SMS Campaign Success

To effectively track these metrics, you'll need the right tools.

SMS marketing platforms with built-in analytics

Many SMS marketing platforms offer robust analytics dashboards. Look for ones that offer real-time data and easy-to-understand visualizations.

Third-party analytics tools

Consider supplementing your SMS platform's analytics with third-party tools for more advanced insights.

Integration with restaurant POS and CRM systems

Integrating your SMS data with your POS and CRM can provide a more holistic view of customer behavior and campaign performance.

Challenges in Measuring SMS Campaign Metrics

Be aware of potential pitfalls in your measurement efforts.

Data privacy and compliance issues

Ensure your data collection and analysis methods comply with regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

Cross-channel attribution

It can be challenging to accurately attribute conversions in a multi-channel marketing environment.

Dealing with incomplete or inaccurate data

Always be critical of your data. Look for inconsistencies or gaps that could skew your insights.

Best Practices for SMS Campaign Measurement

To get the most out of your metrics:

Setting clear goals and KPIs

Before each campaign, set clear, measurable objectives. This will guide which metrics you prioritize.

Regular reporting and analysis

Set up a regular cadence for reviewing your SMS campaign performance. Weekly or bi-weekly reviews can help you stay on top of trends and issues.

Continuous optimization based on insights

Use the insights from your metrics to continuously refine your SMS strategy. Test new approaches, double down on what's working, and don't be afraid to abandon tactics that aren't delivering results.


Measuring the success of your SMS offer campaigns is not just about tracking a few basic metrics. It's about developing a comprehensive understanding of how these campaigns are impacting your business across multiple dimensions – from immediate conversions to long-term customer value.
By focusing on the key metrics outlined in this article, you'll be well-equipped to create data-driven SMS campaigns that not only drive short-term sales but also build lasting relationships with your customers. Remember, the goal isn't just to send messages, but to create meaningful interactions that keep diners coming back to your restaurant time and time again.
As you become more sophisticated in your measurement and analysis, you'll find that your SMS campaigns become an increasingly powerful tool in your restaurant's marketing arsenal. So start measuring, start analyzing, and watch as your SMS campaigns transform from simple messages into a key driver of your restaurant's success.


  1. Q: How often should I be reviewing my SMS campaign metrics? A: It's best to review your metrics after each campaign, with a more comprehensive analysis done weekly or bi-weekly. This allows you to quickly identify and respond to trends or issues.
  1. Q: What's the most important metric for measuring SMS campaign success? A: While all metrics provide valuable insights, ROI is often considered the most crucial as it directly ties your SMS efforts to business results. However, the "most important" metric can vary depending on your specific campaign goals.
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